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12 Luglio 2007


42nd International Natural Stone, Design and Technology Exhibition
VeronaFiere 4-7 October 2007

Versione italiana

Marmomacc confirm world leadership
The exhibition has become the vital link between producers of machinery, technology, accessories, quarry companies, processing and the world of design, architects, designers and consumers.
The entire value chain meets in Verona to understand new trends and glean ideas for new “collections” and applications in living spaces and building.

Verona, 29 May 2007. Data for the 2006 edition (certified by Fkm) are eloquent: more than 62.000 operators (41% international from 118 countries, +12% over 2005) and more than 1.450 exhibitors from 52 countries (+ 4%) of which almost half international, over a net area of 71.981 thousand square metres (+10%).
This performance will improve further: this year VeronaFiere – the organisers of Marmomacc – follows up the inauguration of Halls 10 and 11 last year (totalling 20.000 square metres dedicated to processed articles and design) and hall (7), the largest ever hosting processing tools, abrasives and chemical products – with the “baptism” of the new Hall 7B (13.000 square metres).
Hall 7B, in particular, will host official delegations from Egypt and Spain with FdP – the Spanish Natural Stone Federation – that, over and above its show area of 1.500 metres welcoming more than 40 companies, joins VeronaFiere to promote the “New Stone Architecture in Spain” exhibition and other cultural shows.
The exhibition illustrates new trends through photos, projects and original designs of the best works in stone completed over the last decade (public buildings, offices, housing, urban projects) by the leading protagonists of contemporary Spanish architecture: from Alberto Campo Baeza to Rafael Moneo.
The new hall nevertheless will not suffice to welcome all the companies currently on the waiting list (more than one hundred).
The Exhibition layout therefore envisages hall 7B for architecture and design shows. Halls 2, 3, 4 and 5 and outside area A will host machinery and technologies; Hall 7 for tools, abrasives, chemical products; 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11 for processed marbles and design; lastly, outside areas A, B, C and D are home to blocks and slabs from all over the world.
All countries that took part in 2006 (52 in total: from Australia to Madagascar, from Finland to Argentina, from Armenia to Oman) have confirmed their attendance alongside “new entries” Saudi Arabia and Cyprus.
Marmomacc – thanks to its alliance with StonExpo, the top exhibition in North America organised by the leading publishing group in the sector – is increasingly the landmark for exports and professional training in the United States of America and Canada.
Marmomacc, in short, has become the vital link in the entire value chain through sector-focused and targeted action that ensures contacts between producers of machinery, technology, accessories, companies involved in quarrying, processing and conversion, the world of design, architects and designers (the decision-makers as regards the use of marble, granite and stone), international buyers and consumers.
Another project already achieving ambitious goals reveals growing female involvement in the sector, in entrepreneurial and professional terms as well as taste and choice of the stone in “living” areas.
Business, culture and materials during an exhibition that every year welcomes important trade delegations (25 in 2006) – with a similar number already confirmed for the 42nd edition scheduled 4-7 October 2007 (
The International Natural Stone, Design and Technology Exhibition enjoys the patronage of the National Council of Architects, Planners, Landscape Designers and Conservation Experts, the Ministry of Production Activity and ADI (Industrial Design Association), thereby re-stating its role as the world landmark for trade in stone products and processing technologies, as a bridge between the world of design and the market.
Marmomacc is by now universally considered by all operators and opinion leaders (designers, architects, etc.) as the world landmark for “discovering” new trends and inspiration for new “collections” and applications in living spaces and building.
This also has important impact on producers of technology – software, numerical control machinery, etc. – in keeping up-to-date with new styles, designs, creations, projects and “hybrid” materials.
The “Marble Architecture and Design” event not only hosts the exhibition dedicated to the Biennial International Stone Architecture Awards (the “top” international awards for designers using stone materials, now celebrating its 10th edition) but also a series of cultural initiatives focusing on the use of stone in contemporary architecture – as well as special “route” signalling the stands of companies that as of this edition have worked together with designer and interior design studios.
This year, in short, sees “Marmomacc Meets Design” launch the “Lightness of Marble” project involving internationally famous architects and designers (Riccardo Blumer+Matteo Borghi, Aldo Cibic, Michele De Lucchi, Odile Decq, Kengo Kuma, Alberto Meda, Simone Micheli, Marco Piva, Denis Santachiara, Tobia Scarpa) and exhibiting companies leading the sector through the development of prototypes that will be presented at the next Marmomacc (Verona, 4/7 October 2007) on the stands of companies taking part in this initiative.
Cultural activity in 2007 at the exhibition is completed by the “New Stone Architecture in Spain” exhibition, in collaboration with FdP and Icex, “The Beauty of Marble“, a convention organised in collaboration with the Women in Marble Association founded in 2006 and patronised by Marmomacc, the “Puglia Stone Landscape” exhibition and the “Best Communicator Award” made by a qualified jury to the best stand at the 42nd edition of the event.
Marmomacc is now an official member of the prestigious MIA – Marble Institute of America – and is recognised as an “education provider” for training by AIA (American Institute of Architects), the association whose members include most US architects. (more than 85.000). American architects, as of 2006, may also refer to the new online course detailing the use of natural stone through the AECDaily site.
Marmomacc has equally consolidated similar relationships with RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) and RAIC (Royal Architectural Institute of Canada) whereby every year architects can attend theoretical and practical lessons, experience first-hand visits to several quarries and watch stone material extraction processes and working methods.


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