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17 Ottobre 2014

Design litico

Introverso 2

Dall’osservazione dei metodi antichi di lavorazione del marmo nasce Introverso 2, il vaso dalla doppia anima realizzato da Paolo Ulian e Moreno Ratti.

«Un tempo, quando ancora la tecnologia non la faceva da padrone, per la realizzazione di un foro di un lavabo dal pieno, veniva utilizzato un disco diamantato per realizzare delle incisioni che l’uomo, con un martello, spaccava e rifiniva. Il concetto è quello della sbozzatura tuttora utilizzata per scoprire una forma intrinseca, già contenuta nel materiale stesso».

Introverso 2 marble vase
Paolo Ulian & Moreno Ratti_2014
Dimension(cm): 15x15x40h.
Factory: Vallmar
Photo: Paolo Ulian & Moreno Ratti

È un vaso dalla doppia anima, che racchiude nella sua stessa materia un altro vaso di forma diversa. Si può decidere di conservare la forma originale del primo vaso oppure di modificarla facendo emergere il secondo servendosi di un martello per spezzare le sottili lamelle di marmo.

It is a Vase with a dual personality, which contains in its interior another silhouette of different shape.You may decide to keep the original shape of the first Vase to edit or bringing out the second using a hammer to break the slats of marble.

Paolo Ulian
He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara and then graduated to ISIA in Florence. At the end of 1990, it is assistant in the Enzo Mari studio and worked with him until 1992.Subsequently he devoted himself to experimentation and participated in numerous group exhibitions in Italy and abroad.In 2000 he exhibited at the Salone Satellite where he won the first prize in the Design Report Award.He collaborates with Droog Design and with some Italian companies such as Driade, Fontana Arte, Danese, Zani& Zani, Coop, Azzurra Ceramiche, Skitsch, Officinanove.
During the Milan f urniture fair in 2009, Beppe Finessi has curated his first solo exhibition in Milan.In January 2010, will be hosted at the Triennale in Milan his second solo exhibition curated by Enzo Mari.In 2011 he won the 1st Social design Prize promoted by ADI in 2013 and was invited to participate in the sixth edition of the Triennale Design Museum with an installation dedicated to Vico Magistretti.

Moreno Ratti (
He was born in Carrara in 1982.After the Study of Architecture in Florence, collaborates with various studies of
Architecture.In 2008 he won the International Competition for Ideas in Architecture “Between architecture and the city.”From 2013 he devoted himself to design, specializing in the context of the marble.Passion that led him to meet Paolo Ulian which is currently working.
Is a Vase with a dual personality, which contains in its interior another silhouette of different shape.You may decide to keep the original shape of the first Vase to edit or bringing out the second using a hammer to break the slats of marble.

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