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10 Luglio 2014


The city and the water

THE CITY AND THE WATER – International Workshop
Architecture, arts and design for the new waterfront of Marina di Pietrasanta
September 3rd – 14th 2014
Apply before 31th July !!!

University of Pisa | DESTeC | Long Cycle M. Degree Course in Building Engineering and Architecture
CAV Visual Arts Center of Pietrasanta
Municipality of Pietrasanta

The workshop will see students and young professionals working together on the Versilia area, for a ten days-full immersion team work. Particular attention will be set to the public space, where the shared collective values of the urbs had formed. That spaces show actually a deep formal and substantial crisis of identity, to which we are called to give answers going over the traditional models.

The case study selected is the waterfront of Marina di Pietrasanta: a context with a high environmental value and a great economic potential, but actually mined by a strong social fragility.
The workshop will start from the comprehension of the historical evolution of the territory. Thanks to the several international experiences of the teaching staff, the workshop aims to define a scenery of change according to different scales, from the territorial to the architectural one.

The methodology that will be applied provides the experimentation of the most innovative tools and the collaboration between the international guests and the local subjects: university, administrations, professionals, associations, enterprises, artists, and artisans.
The workshop will include two public meetings, important moments of exchange within participants, citizens, professionals, and local public administrations.

The objective of the workshop is to think up hypothesis for the urban regeneration of the public spaces through architecture, design and arts – as in a sort of renewed Bauhaus – in order to support their re-appropriation from a physical, social and economic point of view.

The final results of the workshop will be showed in a public exhibition, opened in San Agostino cloister from September 14th to 21th.

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