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26 Maggio 2011


Massimiliano Fuksas in XfafX

Versione italiana

Massimiliano Fuksas © Maurizio Marcato

Massimiliano Fuksas (Rome, Italy, 1944) is certainly one of the most renowned Italian architects at an international level. Being firmly convinced of the “social” responsibility of working in architecture, Fuksas has for years been committed on a project research front leading him to face up to the most varied problem areas, from an architectural to an urban dimension, with the same sensitivity as that relating to the cultural specificities of the intervention context. In particular, Fuksas dedicates in his work remarkable attention to the study of urban problems within the large metropolitan areas and specifically in the city outskirts, mainly focusing his activities on the realisation of public works.
Massimiliano Fuksas graduated in 1969 a “La Sapienza” University in Rome. After having founded in those same years his professional studio in Rome, he subsequently created his workshop studio in Paris (1989) and later that in Vienna (1993).
For years he has put side by side a solid professional business with an intensive academic commitment. He has been visiting professor at the École Spéciale d’Architecture of Paris, the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart and Columbia University in New York.
He has received several international prizes among which the Vitruvio Internacional a la Trayectoria of Buenos Aires (1998), the Grand Prix d’Architecture of Paris (1999) and the Honorary Fellowship of the American Institute of Architects (2002). In 2010 he has been invested with the Legion d’onore.
Among his most recent works are the Palatine Centre (Turin, Italy, 1998-2011),  the Lyon Confluence residential buildings (Lyon, France, 2005-2010), the multifunctional Admirant Entrance Building (Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2003-2010), the Peres Peace House cultural centre (Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Israel, 1999-2009), the Church of St Paul (Foligno, Italy, 2001-2009), the MyZeil Business Centre (Frankfurt, Germany, 2002-2009), Armani Fifth Avenue (NYC, USA, 2007-2009), Zenith Music Hall (Strasbourg, France, 2003-2008), Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport, Terminal 3 (Shenzhen, China, abuilding), the new Eur Congress Centre (Rome, Italy, abuilding).

Chiara Testoni
Lab MD Material Design
Facoltà di Architettura di Ferrara

San Paolo Church in Foligno, Italy 2001-2009 © Moreno Maggi

Selected works
1986-1991_Mediateca e centro culturale, Rezé (F)
1987-1996_Ilot Candie Saint-Bernard, Parigi XI (F)
1989-1993_Musée des Graffiti, Niaux (F)
1992-1995_Maison des Arts, Bordeaux (F)
1998-2000_Scuderie Aldobrandini. Museo del Tuscolo, Frascati (I)
1995-2001_ Twin Towers, Vienna (A)
2001-2002_Armani Chater House, Hong Kong, Cina
1999-2004_Piazza Shopping Mall, Eindhoven (NL)
2001-2004_Ferrari Centro Direzionale e Ricerche, Maranello (MO) (I)
2002-2004_Nardini Centro Ricerche e Auditorium Bassano del Grappa (VI) (I)
1999-2005_Media Markt, Eindhoven (N)
2003-2005_Europark 2, Salisburgo (A)
1992-2005_Europark 1, Salisburgo (A)
2002-2005_Nuovo Polo Fiera, Rho-Pero (MI) (I)
2005-2007_Armani Ginza Tower, Tokyo (JP)
2001-2008_Centro Direzionale De Cecco, Pescara (I)
2003-2008_Zenith Music Hall, Strasburgo (F)
2003_2008_Zenith Music Hall, Amiens (F)
2003-2008_Mainz Markthäuser 11-13, Mainz (GE)
2007-2009_Armani Fifth Avenue, NYC (USA)
2002-2009_MyZeil, Francoforte (GE)
2001-2009_Chiesa San Paolo, Foligno (I)
2009_Scenografia per Medea e Edipo a Colono, Teatro Greco, Siracusa (I)
1999-2009_Peres Peace House_Jaffa, Tel Aviv (Israele)
2003-2010_18.Septemberplein, Eindhoven (NL)
2003-2010_Admirant Entrance Building, Eindhoven (NL)
2005-2010_Lyon Confluence, Lione (F)
1998-2011_Centro Palatino, Torino, (I)

San Paolo Church in Foligno, Italy 2001-2009 © Moreno Maggi

2001_Torre per Nuovo Centro Direzionale Regione Piemonte, Torino (I)
2006_Is Molas Golf Resort, Pula-Cagliari (I)
2006_Euromed Center, Marsiglia (F)2007_Bory Mall, Bratislava, Slovacchia
2007_ Riqualificazione ed Espansione del Complesso Termale di Montecatini, Montecatini (I)
2008_Flagship Benetton, Roma (I)
1998-2012_Nuovo Centro Congressi Eur, Roma (I)
2008-2012/2015 (prima fase)_Shenzhen Bao’an International Airport, Terminal 3, Shenzhen, Cina
2006-2012_Liceo Hôtelier Marianne, Montpellier (F)
2005-2012_Nuovi Archivi Nazionali à Pierrefitte sur Seine-Saint Denis, Parigi (F)
2010_Rhike Park, Tblisi, Georgia
2010_House of Justice, Tblisi, Georgia
2010_ Guosen Securities Tower, Shenzhen, Cina

San Paolo Church in Foligno, Italy 2001-2009 © Moreno Maggi

Essential bibliography
Massimiliano Fuksas, Occhi chiusi aperti, Alinea, Firenze 2001
Andrea Cavani, Massimiliano Fuksas, Motta Architettura, Milano 2006
Antonello Marotta, Massimiliano Fuksas. Sul cominciare e sul finire, CLEAN, Napoli 2006
Francesco Cirillo, Cinquantatre più sette domande a Massimiliano Fuksas, CLEAN, Napoli 2008
Massimiliano Fuksas (con Paolo Conti), Caos sublime. Note sulla città e taccuini di architettura, Rizzoli, Milano 2009
Massimiliano Fuksas (con Marco Alloni), Conversazione dialogo con Massimiliano Fuksas, ADV Advertising Company, 2009

Massimiliano Fuksas Architetto
Piazza del Monte di Pietà, 30
I-00186 Roma
T +39 06 68807871/2

Massimiliano Fuksas Architecture
85 Rue du Temple
F-75003 Paris
T +33 1 44618383/9

Studio Fuksas
1001, Floor 10, Logistic building
518128 Baoan District Shenzhen
Guangdong, Cina
T +86 75529919136

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