In the regions of Mediterranean Europe, there still remains a strong tradition of stone construction. It is on this very intransigent technique that the book is based, fruit of a five-year long research involving the study of building archetypes and of the numerous proposals for projects and innovative experimentation, which have embraced a significant ambit of the contemporary design culture with renewed interest.

Contents, methodological approach, potential readers of the book
The book – through the editing of in-depth, analytical texts of a theoretical and technological nature, the preparation of ad hoc technical drawings and original colour photographs taken by the Author (amounting to over 1,800 illustrations) – can be defined as a book of culture, with a mine of information, suggestions and indications which can be transferred into professional sectors.
The main aim is to analyse and systematise, through a unitary work – owing to the inexistence of a proper technical and architectural manual on stone technology in recent national and international editorial production – the enormous potential of stone (by stone we mean all commercial types: marble, granite, travertine, stones in the strict sense), stressing their varied and inexhaustible values in terms of culture, building, expressiveness, colour, environment, durability, etc.
In short, the book innovatively fuses the tradition of a technical manual of the Enlightenment and the typical critical approach of modern literature.
The book is dialectically constructed upon the contrast-continuity of the origins (the archetypes), in relation to themes of the present (modernisation or innovation), of the use of stone within the both national and international contemporary architectural scene.
The nine chapters in the book (The Beginnings, Walls, Columns, Architraves, Arches, Wall and Floor Coverings, Stone Roofs, Urban Paving, The Material Today) clearly and comprehensively analyse the fundamental building elements of architecture.
The book is directed, without distinction, at all those involved in the design sector (architects, engineers, surveyors), those in schools of architecture and engineering (teachers, students, recent university graduates), of culture in general, of art history, of the archaeological sector.
Caratteristiche dell’opera
- Format 24 x 34 cm;
- Total number of pages 624, printed in five colours;
- 9 Chapters + introduction;
- Over 1,300 four-colour process illustrations;
- Over 700 black and white technical drawings;
- Book bound in canvas with silver imprints;
- Plasticised opaque coloured book cover;
- Book supplied with rigid case;
- Book weight: 4.5 kg
LUCENSE (Lucca Centro Servizi per l’Economia) was founded in 1984 with the participation of public bodies (Province, Town Council and Chamber of Commerce) and financial operators, also through associative organisms representing them (Cassa di Risparmio di Lucca, Associazione degli Industriali, Confcommercio and Confartigianato di Lucca).
LUCENSE wished to publish this work to promote its activity in favour of the economic development of the province of Lucca, in particular, through the pursuit of innovation and technological transfer.
In this case LUCENSE has been the link between the system of “theoretical-scientific knowledge” of the academic world and the system of “applied knowledge” of the productive world. The presence in the Apuan-Versilia area of a network of companies with an ancient tradition and international prestige in stone-working, has provided the sensitivity, attention and skills necessary for initiating the research project and its publication, alongside the author who has been its promotor.
A common aim, to re-launch the design and building culture of stone technology.
La realizzazione di questa opera è stata voluta da LUCENSE nell’ambito della sua attività a favore dello sviluppo economico della provincia di Lucca, in particolare attraverso il sostegno all’innovazione e al trasferimento tecnologico.
In questo caso LUCENSE è stata l’anello di collegamento tra il sistema di “conoscenze teorico-scientifiche” del mondo accademico e il sistema di “conoscenze applicate” del mondo produttivo.
The Publishing House
The publishing house Alinea has been operating for twenty five years in the specialised sector of architecture and design, with close ties to Faculties, Public Bodies and a prestigious private clientele.