Scientific biography
Professor of Architectural Technology at Ferrara’s Faculty of Architecture, currently teaching Technological culture of design.
Editor, since 1991, and director, since 1998, of the sector Architecture and Art of building in ANDIL’s (National association of brick manufacturers) magazine “Costruire in laterizio” (Building in brick).
In 2003, he devised and coordinated the scientific and institutional project for the Tenth anniversary of the Founding of Ferrara’s Faculty of Architecture.
In 2005, he edited the first thematic blog on the web, dealing specifically with the use of stone in Italian architecture, a collaborative long-term project on Stones and Marbles of Italy, which develops and expands across the Internet the fundamental disciplinary contents of the book “Stone Architecture”.
He is Chairman of the Scientific Committee at Marsciano’s Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta. In order to provide information about the Museum, he devised and edited its relative website in 2005.
In 2006, he organised the Exhibition and catalogue of “Rossoitaliano. Terracotta floors from Antiquity to Modern Times” for Marsciano’s Dynamic Museum of Brick and Terracotta.
Parallel to contributions in the form of essays or editorials in major national magazines, he has published the following books:
L’edilizia residenziale pubblica in Italia dal 1945 ad oggi (Padova, Cedam, 1980)
Complessi residenziali nell’Italia degli anni Settanta (Firenze, Alinea,1981)
Architettura italiana contemporanea (Firenze, Alinea,1984)
Celli Tognon. Opere d’architettura (Firenze, Alinea,1987)
L’architettura del mattone faccia a vista (Laterconsult, Roma, 1989)
Il Terminal di via Valfonda (Firenze, Alinea,1990).
Mauro Andreini. Architetture in corso (Milano, Electa, 1991)
L’architettura dei Luoghi (Roma, Laterconsult, 1992)
Tetti in laterizio (Roma, Laterconsult, 1994)
Il tetto come elemento di architettura (Milano, Brianza Plastica,1999)
Involucri in cotto (Firenze, Sannini, 2000)
L’architettura di pietra (Firenze, Alinea-Lucense, 2004)
Rosso Italiano (Firenze, Firenze, Alinea, 2006)
Stone Architecture (Milano, Skira, 2006)