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14 Luglio 2007


Marmomacc Meets Design, 1st edition
2007 project theme: “The lightness of marble”
Project by Evelina Bazzo with Andrea Ciotti

Versione italiana

The 42nd edition of Marmomacc flanks numerous special events with a review of its cultural “mission” defined as “Art & Culture” as long ago as 1985. The 2007 edition of Marmomacc thus welcomes “Architecture and Design” with the launch of a new section: Meeting Design.
This first appointment is supported by ten leading, pioneering and historic exhibiting companies and ten well-known and highly professional designers. In coming years, it will progressively develop to reflect and transform natural stone from customised processing through to design projects.
Marmomacc Meets Design” aims to bring together professionals, designers and companies in the natural stone sector through ideas intended to launch an important approach to the material used, exploiting new agility to help further improve many applications.
It is not an “eye-catching” event, then, but a commitment set in motion today with a view to a future world of ideas.
Marmomacc Meets Design” every year will propose a design topic that will attempt to grasp indications detailing life style and capture the imperceptible and progressive changes in society.
The lightness of marble” is the theme chosen for the 2007 edition.
Lightness poses an exciting challenge – and not only to the law of gravity. For marble, that every day has to cope with its specific mass, lightness may become an error, an obsession or even an ambition.
Lightness together with heaviness is part of our daily experience. Lightness is inherent in the project brief in the broadest possible sense – not only weight but also colour and light, coolness and paleness.
The topic also aims to encourage designers to think in terms of lightness even in relation to enormous increase in mobility characterising – and significantly deteriorating – our life styles.
Lightness and heaviness, then, are two trends travelling side by side, even if most design culture in recent years has focused on continual efforts to reduce weight – as in literature, theatre, fashion, art, cuisine and architecture – to become over time synonymous with contemporary styles.
This project currently involves Riccardo Blumer + Matteo Borghi with CEDAL GRANITI, Aldo Cibic with GRASSI PIETRE, Odile Decq with ROCAMAT, Michele De Lucchi with GRUPPO GREIN, Kengo Kuma with IL CASONE, Alberto Meda with CAMPOLONGHI, Simone Micheli with PIETRA DELLA LESSINIA, Marco Piva with SANTA MARGHERITA, Denis Santachiara with TESTI FRATELLI and Tobia Scarpa with PIBA MARMI

Design approaches, halls 6,8,9,10,11

Press Office Umbrella tel. +39 0422 319536
VeronaFiere Press Office tel. +39 045 8298242

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