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6 Agosto 2008


Cultural Activities

Versione italiana


43rd Marmomacc – Verona 2/5 October 2008
Although it is a material used for thousands of years, stone is still a central aspect in design and technological research, university and professional training, not the least thanks to new interest in architecture as regards “skin” and the tactile/visual values of surfaces.

Thanks to the know-how acquired by VeronaFiere in 30 years of organisation of the Marmomacc Show and the support and experience of the most important Italian companies, in-depth training courses now focus on the culture and use of stone materials. Ten years ago, its prestige on an international scale was confirmed when the American Institute of Architects acknowledged Marmomacc – the only show organisation in the world – as an authorised provider of training for American architects. These educational programmes are organised directly by Marmomacc to promote contacts involving professionals in design and natural stone fields and thus challenge a building market still dominated by the largely wood-based balloon frame technique. A few years later, the RIBA and RAIC associations of architects respectively in Great Britain and Canada also awarded the same qualification to VeronaFiere.
The courses are held during Marmomacc itself and the main American sector exhibitions.
Over and above training for international professionals, VeronaFiere also offers patronage and support for training activity in informed use of stone materials even through Italian universities. These courses focus on specialisation and are held at the end of curricular studies not the least in view of the complex approach to relationships with history, composition and technologies.
Milan Polytechnic University. The first Advanced Specialisation course for students also open to professionals started in Italy in 2006 and was coordinated by Massimiliano Caviasca at the Mantua Regional Centre. The educational programme guides students from analysis of historic building techniques through to visits to quarries and companies. The objective is to ensure direct awareness of technological processes, that are interpreted as a project – a small stone museum – tackled in a back-to-front context from construction details up to the general plan.
The Polytechnic University also engaged Massimiliano Caviasca in research focusing on “Studies for the Valorisation of Contemporary Use of Stone”, with the objective of developing potential contemporary applications of this material, designing the landscape, recovering quarries and restoration of stone material elements.
Developments currently include a Third Level training scheme involving the provinces directly interested in stone quarrying and processing.
University of Trento. In 2008, the Faculty of Engineering at Trento University launched the Stone Design course for students preparing their degree thesis. Coordinated by Massimiliano Caviasca, the course aims to develop professional capacities in line with culturally appropriate stone design and advanced techniques for new projects and conservation work.
University of Ferrara. Alfonso Acocella and Vincenzo Pavan offer fifth-year students a workshop tackling an exhibition hall project: “A space for communicating stone”. The purpose of the course, launched in the 2007-2008 academic year, is to identify and critically interpret the languages of stone architecture by analysing the connection between architectural design and building techniques linked with the new frontiers in processing and treatment of stone materials. Integrated by intense conference activity and project reviews involving Italian and international visiting lecturers, and supported by direct comparisons with companies as the ultimate recipients of these design projects, the course aims to provide a cultural basis for aware and informed use of stone materials with the intention of bonding design concepts, construction and materials into a unitary process .
In order to provide students and professionals with effective tools for awareness of culture in stone construction, the Ferrara Faculty of Architecture has also launched – under the direction of Alfonso Acocella – a research programme named “Lithospedia” which already includes scientific projects such as “Stones of Italy” and “Stone Design”.
University of Chieti. “Stone Skins for Contemporary Life” is the title of a seminar embracing four courses/workshops at the Faculty of Architecture of Pescara held by Francesco Girasante and Domenico Potenza. These courses tackle the design of multi-functional building elements and the application of technologies for targeted utilisation of stone in residential design, with a particular focus on the topic of buildings for commuters and challenged persons.
Texas Tech University. Given the strong interest in stone materials also characterising the United States, Texas Tech University has promoted May-June 2008 a Summer Design course in Verona titled “Lithic Latencies”. Christian Pongratz and Vincenzo Pavan will guide American and Italian students through studies focusing on Lessinia stone architecture involving visits to the
architectural heritage of local building traditions and the development of this residential design course in a mountain environment. The course also includes experience with 3D modelling focused on production and modelling using numerical control machines in order to explore the creative and contemporary application of Lessinia stone in new constructions.
Polytechnic University of Bari and Ecole d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais. Giuseppe Fallacara and Luc Tamborero, respectively students and researchers of Claudio D’Amato Guerrieri and Joël Sakarovitch at the Faculties of Architecture in Bari and Paris, present the results of research carried out over the years by their “masters”: Constructive morphological updates of stereotomy. The joint research by these two young authors has been substantiated over the years through the production of demo and experimental works in dimension stone in contrast with current CAD/CAM dsign techniques and speculative activity. The substantial idea underlying this research lies in the desire to re-think stone spaces as a rewarding, theoretical-practical route well worth taking up in contemporary architectural design. Theoretical considerations emerge as production and construction ideas thanks to collaboration with companies and builders specialising in the natural stone field.

In the context of the event in October 2008, Marmomacc will organise a round table for debate and comparison of experiences at these universities where participants will include students and professors.
Marmomacc will have the great pleasure of exhibiting, during the 2008 edition, the projects of “its students and researchers” in a specific show area.

Press Office Veronafiere
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Press Office Umbrella
tel. 39 0422 319536

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